Sorry for the delay but this is from Sunday ... still no Internet at my house
28 Aug
This morning I new I had to be productive, so I got up cleaned the apartment, put on new sheets and was ready to go to the mercada all by 10:30. Went to the mercada again; this time purchases included Pirates 4 and horchata (rice milk) I know it sounds gross but it is SO GOOD!! Jenny (my fellow Minnesotan friend) and I went to the peliquein store, aka: Commerical Mexicana, where I found a lamp!! I have been looking for one since I got down here! I have the energy efficient lights in my chandler things and I HATE the florescent light they give off. So here is my awesome new lamp!
I got home right before the afternoon storm today, and by the time I got my lamp assembled it was perfect timing because it was getting dark enough outside that I got to use it. When the rain started I made my way around the apartment to shut the windows because it was coming down really hard. As I walked back toward my computer I noticed water POURING in from my door!! It was raining so hard and had such wind behind it, it was gushing into my apartment. I think I ended up mopping up almost a whole bucket.
Here is the water rushing down the mountain and into the river thing in my back yard...
After mopping I got back to working – lesson planning – my favorite thing in the world. The night concluded with Pirates and nails!
Before I forget… I know I mentioned how funny that when I was at the bar the other week they we’re playing Shania Twain at the bar during the dance contest… THEY DID IT AGAIN!! Here if proof! Turns out I hear that song ALL THE TIME DOWN HERE!! Of all the American songs, REALLY?!?!
"man, I feel like a woman" duh duhhh duh duh duhh duh duh!