Monday, March 5, 2012

Day in the Centro, Beatles & Habitat for Humanity

A couple weeks ago I rewarded myself with a Sunday in the Centro. Kady and I headed down there after church. I watched her and Agustin eat brunch, I wasn’t up for that yet, I was still eating BRAT (banana, rice, applesauce and toast). We then walked around and took in the Sunday festivities. My favorite part was just sitting and people watching. Here are some goodies we saw…

Little one drinking with g-pa

This ice cream drink was AWESOME!

On Friday the 24th Kady and I took in a rare Mexican Beatles cover band appearance. It was really fun! You wouldn’t believe all the Mexi’s that LOVE the Beatles… I’m talking full on decked out in Beatles gear. It was fun. I didn’t realize how much of their early stuff and know!

This last weekend I went and volunteered with some kids from school and traveled to Guanajato for Habitat for Humanity. We got their Friday night and upon arrival played with the kids until 10pm. They were SUPER cute! And, they don’t mind that your Spanish is super bad! But, they do get board really easily and move on to the next fun adult that will play with them. Here is my favorite little boy… Jesus!
Jo & Jesus

Playing some tunes

This kiddo just chilled until the ball came down to his end
This is what happens when you play soccer in $4 shoes
Most of the people in the community have had their houses build by Habitat for Humanity. It is EXTRA hard work to do it in Mexico. You see, their soil is layer after layer after layer of rock. It took us over 4 HOURS to chop away and get 2 ½ feet! AND there were 8 of us working on this 6x6 ft hole. It was very rewarding to be part of something so great! I managed to impress the kiddos with my hard work… I told them it was kind of like chopping the ice at the end of winter when it gets too built up at the end of your driveway ;) I only had one minor mishap… when I went to put on sunscreen I was an idiot and when I reached for my back I felt my sports bra (I was also wearing a tanktop) so at the time I was thinking, “Oh, my back is covered no need for sunscreen back there!” WRONG!! I have a very pink back but it’s not too bad for being out in the sun all day without sunscreen. I forgot my camera when we went out to work, so sorry I don’t have any pics from that.

This weekend I am running in my first Mexican 5k!! It is on Saturday night in the Centro… I am super excited! I also hope to maybe hike Bernal on Sunday to test out the hiking boots. I can’t believe I’ll be in Peru in 26 days!! I wore them at HfH – so far so good!

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