Monday, August 22, 2011

Cheese & Sprinkles

22 Aug

Today I spent the day working on getting ready for the first half week of school. I made a nice little PP about me including pictures of real winter! I was watching Rio tonight and I always laugh so hard when Blu says, “Cheese and Sprinkles… it’s a Minnesota thing”. Don’t judge that I watch Disney movies down here!! Today it was really windy; I almost lost my awesome new pink hat when I was running around the lake… or at least what they call a lake. :)


  1. I have that photo of me holding up the coaster that is shaped like MN and it says something about beer rules. You could show them that! Or not...they are high school kids si? Shoot...

    How far are you running these days? I envy you.

  2. haha! delayed giggle, but i like this post!
