Sunday, August 21, 2011

Gallos Blanco de Queretaro + ROCK RIOT

20 Aug

Today we went to the soccer game. We sat in the loco local fan section; what that means is you stand the whole game and chant some intesting sayings. I didn't know what most of them said but lets just say that one of them referred to something about the cock balls... and everyone chants - even the little kids! The game was great even though we lost 2-1. The really intresting part is what happened next...

When we walked out of the statuim a local approached Matt (who's from IA, teaches econ, and we share a classroom) and asked him where he was from; he answered Los Angeles. Then this local guy proceedes to tell Matt that he is racist and starts yelling at him in spanish and then in english "You Mother Fucker... You go back to the US" AND in the meantime, Matt is trying to make amigos with the guy. But this is not the intresting part.

So then we try to leave. Vail, one of the local teachers, was going to take us downtown; but in order to get to her car we had to cross the riot. Now when I say riot there was some SERIOUS rock throwing going on. We were walking and all of a sudden the Policia are yelling at us to get out of the way and before you know it there are ROCKS being chucked right around us. The rocks were hitting the cars right next to us; we were litteraly ducking and running from these rocks. This riot continued on for quite awhile so we stood and watched it because where the rock throwers were coming from was where Vail's car was. There was even a Policia that had a paintball gun that went running down at the rock throwers.

A nice gentleman informed us that this never really happens and that we should just come back in two weeks when they have their next home game. It was an experience!! I did tell Vail that based on my previous record with Mexico that if I was hurt in a Rock Riot I'm pretty sure my mom would come down here and drag me home. :)

I DO HAVE PICTURES!! But it turns out my card reader isn't working so I need to find someone with the same camera thing so I can upload pictures!!

Here is a link to video Jordan took: 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my. You be safe! Yeah, your Mom is going to bring your little behind back here if that stuff keeps happening.

    I bet you were dying with laughter seeing the little kids chanting about cock balls. Oh man!!

    What were they rioting about? And can you translate the titles? Ha, ha! Your Spanish is excelente. LOL
